Seed-Planting for Post-Tragic Consciousness
a talk with Jeff Hilliard
6:15 - 7 pm
in the Community Wellness Tent
This 45-minute “seed-planting” is a pitch for how Post-Tragic Consciousness is a necessary upgrade in how we orient to the truth of suffering, harm and imperfection in human life. Through a process of “voice dialogue,” we’ll feel together three stances towards the Tragic: the Pre-Tragic (a form of forced innocence), the Tragic (a hard reckoning with the mean & broken) and the Post-Tragic (a mature awareness capable of effective, hope-free action). Across personal, social, political and environmental dimensions, stakes are high. The open-secret seed to the Post-Tragic paradigm is that the power necessary to sustain healing, restoration and justice only comes through spiritual practice.
Meet Jeff Hilliard
Jeff Hilliard is a counselor, group process leader; married with Shelly, father to Holly and Gwen, grandfather to Artemis; mentor and artist, compelled toward synthesis and intergenerational transmission.